Individual Coaching Packages and Programs


Coaching Intro Package

3 Sessions

The Intentional Solutions Life Coaching Intro package is a perfect gift to give yourself or someone else new to coaching. There is an opportunity to process and explore thoughts as part of an initial 60 to 90-minute Discovery Session. After the Discovery Session, enjoy two additional coaching sessions for 45-60 minutes, focusing on one topic to gain clarity, work through blocks, and commit to action.

Intentional Living Program

2 - 4 Sessions Per Month

Commit to living intentionally by subscribing to this easy and affordable monthly lifestyle program. The Intentional Living program is one of the best investments you can make in yourself. Choose to meet two, three, or four times each month to focus on SMART goals, current challenges, or other focus areas.

True North Self-Discovery

7 Sessions

Are you looking to advance in your career or explore a new career direction? The True North Self-Discovery program helps you clarify what you want in your ideal career. Then, you’ll explore what would bring greater satisfaction and fulfillment in your life. Together, we’ll develop a strategic plan and map out action steps and timelines to achieve your desired goals and outcomes.

Intentional Leadership Development

14 Sessions

Do you want to increase your interpersonal effectiveness, advance your career, or make a bold career pivot? In that case, this four-month professional development coaching program is for you. It starts with a 60 to 90-minute coaching session focused on outcomes and scenario planning, including short and long-term goal setting. Then, over the next thirteen 45 to 60-minute sessions, we’ll spend time identifying and clarifying skills, behaviors, knowledge, and experiences needed to achieve your desired outcomes through thought-provoking sessions that evoke awareness and insight. Finally, the culmination of the program includes a measurable, outcome-focused personal and professional development plan.

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